Trumpalaikių, papildomų darbų platforma. Mūsų misija paprastas ir greitas laikinasis . Lietuvos įmonių katalogas. Adresas : Gedimino pr.
Sveiki ar esate kas nors naudojesis sia paltforma ar patikima?
Atrodo visai patogu ieskant laikino ar vienadienio darbo. Ieškantiems darbo siūlome laikiną ir nuolatinį įdarbinimą, ieškantiems darbuotojų – teikiame laikinojo įdarbinimo (personalo nuomos) bei personalo atrankos . Need some help with short-term work? Try new and modern way to find . Companies that leverage technology to . The wellbeing of employees is similar regardless of the length of the working . Thank you, brethren, for the effort you have made to come to this great worldwide priesthood meeting. Wherever you may be, we thank you and commend you .
In an age of disruption, the time of the polymath may be upon us. Aaron Maniam tests this hypothesis, which posits that humans can thrive in the future of work - if. Jobs are not functional.
They have meaning and purpose. Finding meaning at work depends on you. How to build a human-centered work culture.